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Topic summary

Posted by Sal
 - November 13, 2005, 02:12:34 PM
Hi there!
So the LAN is over and we had a great time. It wasnt all that succesfull like I wished it to be.
Well after some hours at the LAN I had some time to check for a way to get drivers laoded under DOS. It was hard to try to load yout boot disk and add some network drives ( alot of work hehe )so I found this :" target="_blank">
It loads the netword drivers in an old way ( atleast it seems that way ;) I updatet LSL.COM, added my DOS drivers for the NIC and it really worked! There was IPX support! I could even use it in the Ramdisk Windows....but... BUT!  
It froze after I wanted to Host a game...hmm.
Then I realized that I could load the whole win95 boot cd until the command and run MAX under dos, without starting win95. Well it froze too. I downlaoded some driver for a friend, modified the IPXNET.bat again and it didnt freeze at first whe he was trying to host a game. After booting up on another system we had the chance to see if it really works. IT FROZE AGAIN! ARGH THE HOST FROZE, THE CLIENT TOO ... after that no one was in good mood to give it another try.  

I dont know why it is crashing and how to solve the problem.

Next time, we will have USB harddrives ^^ install win95 on it, able to restart and so on..
its such an pain in the... >.<  

I am so lost.

Thanks alot for helping me =)

Sal from
Posted by admin
 - November 10, 2005, 10:06:08 PM
The DOS Network stuff posted here is mainly for connecting to Windows-based networks.  Those drivers  use up a lot of conventional memory.

Section 3.2 on this page:" target="_blank">
describes how to load the IPX drivers under plain DOS (not a dos-box under Windows).

But then you'd still need to find some DOS drivers for your sound card.  You probably won't have time to do this before tomorrow.

An idea for next time:
If your network cards have boot ROMs in them, you could setup a PXE server then boot off the network straight into DOS.  

If you want, you could still load xmsdisk to create a ramdisk, then copy the game directory off of the server to the ramdisk.  In theory this should all be possible.  In practice, I've never tried it before.
Posted by Sal
 - November 10, 2005, 04:44:50 PM
I had check the other thread here " DOS Networking " ...I will post my results

very nice here ^^
Posted by Sal
 - November 10, 2005, 10:21:56 AM
MAX is running very very nice on the win95 ramdisk version. Not that good in Dos though.  
But there is no sound and there arent networkdrivers laoded. I could find a way to reload the drivers without restart. There is a trick to update the registry, but that doesnt work.

I had to take out one 1 gb  ram and it is booting fine with maxfilecache and maxphyspage. When I try to run it with 2 gb some new weird errors show I leave it 1 gb ^^

I have dos network drivers, but damn I dont know how to load them. there are ready network boot disk which are generic ( is this the right word ?! ) so they should work on all nw cards, but since MAX is running slow in dos I need it loaded for windows 95... so my question is ( hadnt  time to try it yet ) ...When I think back...loooooooooong time ago, I can remember my Soundblaster was loading drivers for Dos at the startup ..there was no sound in Dos based games they werent laoded under DOS. ( but under win95 was sound )
The question now is: Can I ADD Netweork dos drivers to your bootdisk? Would it mean that the network card and IPX would be recognize by win95? MAX is a Dos game, it should work or am I wrong?

The LAN is tomorrow, so I dont have much time. It just big trouble for us to drag some old 1 gb harddrives ( or smaller) into a high speed system. Everybody would have to install windows 95 and set it up and so on...thats would work, but this should be the last option. It would be just WOW! (<- very happy expression ^^)  if we could work with a windows 95 on a ramdisk. ( the game runs even smoother, because it runs off the ram ;) )

Can you give me a hint ?  

Again I would like to thank you, this is so not much ontopic.  



p.s. I think I should regsiter or something ^^
Posted by admin
 - November 08, 2005, 06:28:54 PM
The MaxFileCache trick seems to help most people:" target="_blank">;en-us;253912&Product=w98

If you still get "Out of Memory" errors, you can also try a setting called maxphyspage:" target="_blank">

Found their English site" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>  Looks like M.A.X. is an old DOS game.  They say that it won't work in Windows 2000/XP, but works fine in DOS/Win95/98.

It should work, as long as you can get Windows 95 up and running.  If all else fails, you could boot from a DOS boot disk and install the game on the hard drive.  Then you can use the boot disk to get into DOS, then run the game off of the hard drive.  That should work, as long as you have a DOS IPX driver for your network card.
Posted by Sal
 - November 07, 2005, 11:38:12 AM
Hi again!
I was so blind, I just didnt see the relation between the "edit /70 a:io.sys" and "From the "Search" ..."Exit"". I though edit /70 would do the rest ( I didnt know that you have to edit the io.sys to let the system know the new registry file name )

Anyway, I got it now ;)
I have to try out if it helps to set the "MaxFileCache" for windows 95, otherwise it doesnt boot with to much RAM.

We need Win95 to play an old game ( lol yeah..) so called " M.A.X. ", its roundbase game and more info you can find here" target="_blank">, sorry just german.  

The problem is that we need ipx to play it multiplayer. You see now whats all behind it =)

Well, I thank you again and I will report  for sure =)

Sal ( that was blind but can see now )
Posted by admin
 - November 06, 2005, 11:44:55 PM

If you call it system.dat it'll probably boot, but then Windows likes to use the copy of the registry that's on c: drive.  That's fine, until you make the cd, and try booting from it, on a Windows 9x system.  Then you may start running into problems." target="_blank">" target="_blank">

I've never tried allocating more than 256megs with XMSDisk, but it's supposed to support ramdisks up to 2gb.  You can change the ramdisk size by editing the autoexec.bat file.  You'll also need to resize the compressed drive if you're using drive compression.

I'm not aware of any way to get around having to restart after installing software.  For creating the boot cd, I like to use an old drive that I don't need for anything else.  Then if I need to make changes to the boot cd, I plug in the old drive, boot from it, make any changes that need to be done, then copy the drivespace.000 file and burn a new cd.

Hope this helps,

Posted by Sal
 - November 06, 2005, 02:40:18 PM
Ah thats what you´ve meant. Thanks.
I manage to get it to work another way...


copy system.tat R:windowssystem.dat


Well it worked lol

Thanks again for your guide, it is working great.

Do you know how I can install / uninstall something without needing to restart the pc?
or how I can use more then 512 megabyte of Ram ( my pc now has 2 gb RAM for 3d applications )

Thanks again,

Posted by admin
 - October 30, 2005, 08:40:17 PM
You still need to patch the io.sys file on the floppy disk.  Open up a dos window, then type:

edit /70 a:io.sys

You'll see a bunch of garbage characters.  That's normal.  Look on line line 247 for "SYSTEM.DAT".  Change it to "SYSTEM.TAT"  Save and exit.

Don't patch the io.sys file on your hard disk, just the one on the floppy disk.
Posted by Sal
 - October 21, 2005, 06:31:02 PM
Here  I am. Sal is back ;)

I have a small problem..yes yes..I couldnt fix it alone.
When the autoexec executes "" I get a error like this

"Registry file was not found. Registry services may be inoperative during this session."

Here is my bootdisk for now" target="_blank">

I know the msdos.sys isnt +h +r +s now, I will try that out in some minutes.

I found some info here but I dont know if this is what I am searching for ->" target="_blank"> =17310&pid=135422&st=0&
I would really appreciate your help ;)

Posted by admin
 - January 12, 2005, 10:16:57 PM

In the zip file that you linked to, io.sys hasn't been patched.  To patch io.sys, follow the procedure at the end of step 13:


Next, io.sys on the floppy disk needs to be patched. Open up a DOS window, then enter the following:

   attrib a:io.sys -h -r -s  
   edit /70 a:io.sys  

From the "Suchen" menu, select "Suchen...", then type system.dat. Next, change SYSTEM.DAT to SYSTEM.TAT. Goto the "Datei" menu, select "Speichern", then goto the "Datei" menu and select "Beenden". Last, but not least enter the following:

   attrib io.sys +h +r +s  
   attrib msdos.sys +h +r +s  
   attrib drvspace.bin -h -r -s
Posted by Sal
 - January 11, 2005, 02:37:24 PM
It works till regedit wants to copy the registry, its givin me an error. Cant explain exactly, to weird german sentences ;)

I waiting for you update. Great support you have here.

Posted by admin
 - January 11, 2005, 12:53:02 AM

I lost the boot cd and the boot floppy.  I did manage to find the old hard drive, that I was using, so I was able to go through steps 12 to 15.  Initially, I had the same error that you mentioned.

I did manage to get it working, though.  In fact as I'm writing this, I'm in Windows 95b with no hard drive connected to my computer.  :-)

Try renaming dblspace.ini to drvspace.ini
Then change the copy statement in the autoexec.bat:

In the next day or two, I'll update the boot cd page, to fix some problems that I found.
Posted by Sal
 - January 10, 2005, 06:54:39 AM
Thank you!

I can wait.


Posted by admin
 - January 09, 2005, 11:34:15 PM

I took a look at your bootdisk.  I don't see anything that looks out of place.  When I have a little more time, I'll make a generic boot disk, copy your files overtop of it, then try using it to boot my boot cd.