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Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by admin - August 11, 2004, 10:58:25 PM

I made a test version for you to try.  After running MPXPlay it'll ask you to hit enter to continue.  That way, if MPXPlay is crashing, you'll be able to see any error messages displayed.

I'm not sure about the first issue, but if MPXPlay is displaying an error message, you'll have time to read what it's telling you.

For the second issue, you can use keys 1&3 to skip ahead/backward by 10.  I'm not very familiar with the IR functions, but if you can map the buttons to 1&3 it should work.

This test version also includes the new parallel lcd delay routines.  Try using default chardelay and controldelay values (both are set to 65).  Right now, I don't know if it works, because I don't own a parallel lcd." target="_blank">
Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by matthias - August 11, 2004, 06:16:41 AM
I´m working again on IRDA controll. I can learn and controll MPXT and MPXPLAY with my remote control after I build and But I still have two problems at the moment.  
When I start music by "play/search" (using my m3d) everything works fine, but when I start my playlists (using xyz.m3u)mpxplay always quits and goes back to MPXT. This happens when I use the keyboard and/or my IR remote. When I quit MPXT and switch of "UseIR" im mpxt.cfg and restart MPXT than I can use my own playlists without any problem.
I tried 3 diferrent remote controlls, but that didn´t change anything. IR support is disabled im mpxplay.ini.
When I keep on pressing a button on my remote control mpxt only receives one key. This is a pain if you try to scroll through a database with 300 entries. I already tried to increase the Delay, but this didn´t help.
Any ideas?
Hardware Discussion / Dos driver for Audigy 1
Last post by matthias - August 11, 2004, 06:04:26 AM
If you need a DOS driver for Audigy 1:" target="_blank">

Thanks to MPXPLAY  
Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by matthias - August 04, 2004, 08:44:35 AM
Hey, I´ve found it out on my own :-)

Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by matthias - August 04, 2004, 07:56:07 AM
I´m trying to controll MPXT with my remote control. It´s no problem to program MPXT with the fantastic build in support for my UIR. But I wonder how to control MPXPLAY. I´ve understood so far that MPXT uses to read the settings. But I don´t understand so far what kind of syntax I have to use. Do I have to use the settings of MPXPLAY (something like: SerialFunc =19c000000000,0d1c) or do I need the syntax of MPXT (like: 28,13=22976).
Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by matthias - August 04, 2004, 07:27:24 AM
I´m just building an "installation guide" for MPXT and MPXPLAY on my homepage, for the beginning in German. Hope you all like it - if you understand it ;-)" target="_blank">
Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by admin - July 31, 2004, 07:26:32 PM

The thing to keep in mind is that MPXPlay was designed to be used under plain DOS.  Since DOS doesn't support sound cards, on its own, support for the sound cards is built into the program itself.  This means calling some low-level functions that may or may not work when running in a DOS-Window in Windows.

I'm not running Win98 or XP, but I have tried MPXPlay under Win95b and Windows 2000.  I've never been able to get MPXPlay to do anything useful under Windows 2000.  More often than not MPXPlay works fine for me under Win95b.  Basically I do all of the MpXT-related coding and testing under 95b.  Also, some sound card types are only supported by MPXPlay, in plain DOS.  (The Sound Blaster AWE64 card that I use on my test machine works fine in MPXPlay in both plain DOS, and 95b)

I'd start by running MPXPlay all by itself.  Copy an audio file to the MPXPlay directory, then fire up MPXPlay to see if anything comes out of the speakers.  If that doesn't work in 98 or XP, try running it under plain DOS.  If you not sure how to get to plain DOS, I can walk you through it.

If MPXPlay works properly, on its own, check the mpxplay.ini file and make sure that "LCDport" is set to "none".  Otherwise MPXPlay and Mpxttsr could end up writing to the LCD at the same time.  Then set "SerialEnable" to "0".

I wouldn't worry too much about the "DelayFactor" setting until you get everything else working.
Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by Ben Joiner - July 30, 2004, 03:46:59 PM
I have a Crystal fontz 632 display which runs off the com port.  The tsr locks up the lcd screen every time no matter how high you run the delay facctor for how often the tsr grabs info from mpxplay.  So i tried the software on winXP instead of Win98 (which mpxplay isn't freindly with).  When I load the tsr in xp then the screen doesn't lock up.  I call mpxplay from mpxt and then get a cursor only.  Anyways, just wondering if you guys can help me.  Thanks.
Software Discussion / MPXT
Last post by matthias - July 29, 2004, 09:55:07 AM
Thanks for the help

Hardware Discussion / AC'97
Last post by admin - July 23, 2004, 08:19:32 PM
moved the bios related posting to a new "Patched Bios's" thread.